A fire burned only the front part of the house. Come see the rest of the house!! This is a leasehold property by the HHFDC. (Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation) The lease has been PAID OFF IN FULL until 2043. Buyers will need to apply to the HHFDC for an extension of the lease for the purpose of applying for mortgage financing. A fire in July 2021 burned the carport, kitchen, living room and the bedroom close to the kitchen. The 3 bedroom and 2 bathroom has some damage from the smoke. The property has lots of potential for renovation and / or improvement. Close to everything – schools, banks, hospital clinics, markets and others. Also has avocado, coconut, malungay and pomelo trees. PLEASE DO NOT ENTER THE PROPERTY DUE TO SAFETY ISSUES……DRIVE BY IS OK. FOR INTERESTED BUYERS AND AGENTS, PLEASE CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT. LISTING AGENT MUST BE PRESENT.
If you are interested in properties over 8.5 million dollar, 8,500 square feet, or 15 bedroom, you may use the following form for inquiry. We can search all properties for sale in Hawaii.
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